Soleiðis vísur tú fuglunum ans, tá tú gongur í haga
- Legg tær fyrst og fremst hetta í geyma: Har er ongin orsøk til at óttast um tó kemur at órógva ein fugl í haganum. Hav bert eyga við fuglinum, ansa eftir at tú ikki traðkar í reiðrið og gang róliga áfram.
- Hav altíð hund í bandi. Hundur finnur lættliga egg og ungar og kann gera av við tey. Hann órógvar eisini fugl í nógv størri mun enn fólk ger, og tí mást tú helst ikki taka hund við til fuglarík støð.
- Um fuglur stillar seg ella flýgur nær við teg og letur, so er hann órógvaður av tær og roynir at jagstra teg burtur. Gang víðari, inntil hann ikki longur gevur tær gætur.
- Royn ikki at fanga vaðfugl, másafugl ella kjógva, sum tykist skaddur. Hann lemur seg fyri at lokka teg burtur frá reiðrinum. Gang víðari, inntil hann fer aftur á reiðri ella ikki sær teg.
- Summir fuglar, sum t.d. tjøldur og spógvar, eru sera mælskir og flákrutir, tá tú nærkast reiður teirra. Hetta kann lokka ránsfugl so sum másar og krákur til. Royn tí at ganga víðari, inntil fuglarnir hava sissað seg aftur.
- Leita ikki eftir reiðrum. Um tú kemur fram á eitt reiður, gang burturfrá og lat fuglin sleppa á at bøla.
- Frá umleið 1. mai og fram til miðjan august hevur heiðafuglur egg og ungar at verja. Vinaliga gáa um hetta, tá tú gongur í haga.
- Gang bert á gøtum og ásettum leiðum, tá tað ber til, og um tað er neyðugt at steðga eitt bil, so royn at tryggja tær, at tú ikki órógvar reiðrandi fugl.
How to mind the birds while walking in the outfield
- Firstly, always keep in mind: Don’t panic or start running if you disturb a bird while walking in the outfield. Just be aware of the bird, be careful that you don’t step in the nest, and keep walking steadily.
- If you are traveling with a dog, always keep it on a leash. It can easily find and kill chicks or eat eggs, and it is a much more severe disturbance to birds than humans are. Therefore, you should not bring dogs to bird areas.
- If you see birds standing or flying close to you while making sounds, it is most likely stressed by your presence and trying to chase you away from its territory.
- If you see a bird that seems to be hurt, do not try to catch it. It is trying to distract you away from the nest. Simply walk away until the bird is calm and returns to the nest, or until it can’t see you.
- Some birds, such as oystercatchers and whimbrels, are very noisy and anxious when you are near their nest. This may attract egg thieves and predators such as gulls or crows. Therefore, try to move along until the birds have settled down.
- Do not search for nests. If you happen upon a nest, please walk away from it and allow the parent(s) to return to it.
- From early May until early August, heathland birds will have eggs or chicks to protect. Please be aware of this when walking in the outfield.
- Keep to paths and predefined routes as much as possible, and if you need to stop for a while, please make sure that there are no birds that seem disturbed by you.